KM to Meters to Kilometers

Enter a number in the box, tap on the convert button and this app will convert that value to both Kilometers and meters units.

KM to Meters to Kilometers

() Km to Meters Conversion

() Meters to Kilometers Conversion

About Kilometers and Meters Units

Both of the units, Kilometers and Meters are used to measure the distance between two points. A kilometer is used to measure large distances while a meter is used to measure smaller distances like sports ground dimensions, housing, or residential areas. A kilometer is used to measure the distance between two cities or villages.

How to Convert KM and Meters?

Converting KM and meters is not a difficult task. Follow these steps for the conversion.

The value of 1 Kilometer is equal to 1000 meters. So, whenever you have to convert the value in Kilometer then you should multiply that value by 1000 to get the final answer. For example, if you want to convert 52 Kilometers to meters then you should multiply 52 by 1000 and you will get 52000 as a final answer.

1 KM = 1000 m

12 Kilometer = 12000 Meters

In the same way, you can also convert meters to Kilometers. To convert meters to kilometers, you should divide the value by 1000 or multiply the value by 0.001 to get the correct answer. For example, if you want to convert 240 meters to kilometers then after dividing 240 by 1000 you will get 0.24 as a final answer.

1 M = 0.001 KM

5000 Meters = 5 Kilometers

KM to Meters to KM Chart